2015年11月30日 星期一




雖然師資繁多,但是良莠不齊,教材算是豐富、很多種類,可惜較為簡單,native speaker真的很少,跟著茫茫大海的師資相比,那個比例絕對很低的,而且要是算上那些native speaker開出來的時數就更少了,一天可能就幾個時段,但是菲律賓老師可能可以從早開到晚,選擇這家不要有太大的期待遇到native speaker,畢竟學費沒有跟我們收很多,當然,菲律賓老師中也有認真的好老師,就是要跟著其他學員搶老師時間,不然,沒什麼人選的,多半也就普通,甚至以下。








有個要抱怨的,網站很容易連不上教材,不過可以正常登入網站,原本要用daily news上課,趕緊找一篇time或bbc給老師,連不上的時間點主要就是上課的高峰期...不過慶幸網站可以成功登入,看在價格的面子上,我也覺得可以接受,畢竟網路上很多教材,基本功能可以維持運轉

  • 初學者不建議,我以前在國外語言學校的時候(不是英文的語言學校),確實是什麼都不懂,然後該國的老師來教書,沒用中文英文講解,還是可以學的好,有一個重要的前提:我一天上四個小時的課(週一到週五),我又生活在那個環境,所以大量練習,從生活經驗中習得,自然可以用外語學外語,但是一個不是很懂英文的學生,要用英語學英語,而且一天可能只上課25分鐘,建議你換個方法吧
  • 有時間可以一直掛網來搶課的學生很適合,老師開課的時間是看那位老師開放出來時段,不是每天晚上一更新就有了,畢竟時間配合是看老師,而且搶課你懂得,就是比誰在電腦前面更有恆心跟毅力
  • 忙到不行的上班族不建議,建議找師資比較穩定的,不然就會像我之前一直選到不適合我的老師,時間不充裕的話,能選的老師太有限了,而且你也不適合去面對老師突然臨時請假,要換時間囉~或者連線問題...等各種阿里阿砸的問題,雖然不可否認,他們客服會很有誠意的送上一張補課票,但你是要學英文的話,能保持持續學習是最好的,雖然就補課票觀點來看是,自己的投資(金錢)不至於損失,就是沒有最有效率運用,如果工作比較輕鬆的話,我覺得就可以考慮
  • 建議使用方式是當作口語陪練,而不是英語學習,無論英文程度如何


【更新】竹科OL視訊學英文 外籍師31秒處竟噴了

線上學英文 菲律賓籍狼師竟做猥褻動作

補充:talxfun 類似價位的菲律賓線上會話可以參考

2015年11月4日 星期三

cvcam.h 找不到



cvcam.h 找不到





//  By downloading, copying, installing or using the software you agree to this license.
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//                        Intel License Agreement
//                For Open Source Computer Vision Library
// Copyright (C) 2000, Intel Corporation, all rights reserved.
// Third party copyrights are property of their respective owners.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
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//   * Redistribution's of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
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//     derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
// This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as is" and
// any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied
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// In no event shall the Intel Corporation or contributors be liable for any direct,
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#ifndef __CVCAM_H__
#define __CVCAM_H__

#if defined(_CH_)
#pragma package <opencv>
#include <chdl.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
#define CVCAM_EXTERN_C extern "C" 
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */

#define CVCAM_API CVCAM_EXTERN_C __declspec(dllexport)
#endif /* CVCAM_DLLEXPORT */

/* Returns the actual number of currently available cameras */
CVCAM_API int cvcamGetCamerasCount(void);

/* get/set the property of the camera. returns 0 if the property is not supported */
CVCAM_API int cvcamGetProperty(int camera, const char* property, void* value);
CVCAM_API int cvcamSetProperty(int camera, const char* property, void* value);

/* gets all property names. the actual number of properties is returned. */
CVCAM_API int cvcamGetPropertiesList(int camera, const char** properties, int count);

CVCAM_API int cvcamBuildStereo(void); 

/* Prepares the currently enabled cameras for work */
CVCAM_API int cvcamInit(void);

/* Start the video */
CVCAM_API int cvcamStart(void);

/* Stop the video */
CVCAM_API int cvcamStop(void);

/* Pause the video; should be used for preventing data changes during frame reading 
    using "frame" and other properties */
CVCAM_API int cvcamPause(void);

/* Resume the video */
CVCAM_API int cvcamResume(void);

/* Frees all resources */
CVCAM_API int cvcamExit(void);

/*Pops up a camera(s) selection dialog
Return value - number of cameras selected (0,1 or 2);
Argument: an array of selected cameras numbers
NULL if none selected. Should be released with free() when not needed.
if NULL passed, not used.
CVCAM_API int cvcamSelectCamera(int** out);

/*Plays a specified avi file into a specified window
if file is NULL, file browser is opened. if window is 0,
it is created. width and height mean output size's 0 means
those of avi file are used. __cdecl (*callback)(IplImage*) would be
called on every frame. NULL means no callback*/
CVCAM_API int cvcamPlayAVI(const char* file, 
                           void* window, 
                           int width, 
                           int height,
                           void* callback); 

/*Advanced API for dealing with AVI files*/

typedef unsigned int cvcamAVIFILE;

/*Opens a given file or pops up a dialog if file is NULL
returns a handle to the file opened for success or -1 for failure*/
CVCAM_API cvcamAVIFILE cvcamAVIOpenFile(char* file);

/*The next functions just do what they say and return 0
for success, anything other for failure*/

CVCAM_API int cvcamAVICloseFile(cvcamAVIFILE file);

CVCAM_API int cvcamAVISetWindow(cvcamAVIFILE file, void* window);

CVCAM_API int cvcamAVISetCallback(cvcamAVIFILE file, void* callback);

CVCAM_API int cvcamAVISetSize(cvcamAVIFILE file, int width, int height);

CVCAM_API int cvcamAVIRun(cvcamAVIFILE file);

CVCAM_API int cvcamAVIStop(cvcamAVIFILE file);

CVCAM_API int cvcamAVIPause(cvcamAVIFILE file);

CVCAM_API int cvcamAVIResume(cvcamAVIFILE file);

CVCAM_API int cvcamAVIWaitCompletion(cvcamAVIFILE file);

CVCAM_API int cvcamAVIIsRunning(cvcamAVIFILE file);

static const char CVCAM_PROP_ENABLE[] = "enable";
static const char CVCAM_PROP_RENDER[] = "render";
static const char CVCAM_PROP_WINDOW[] = "window";
static const char CVCAM_PROP_CALLBACK[] = "callback";
static const char CVCAM_DESCRIPTION[] = "description";
static const char CVCAM_VIDEOFORMAT[] = "video_pp";
static const char CVCAM_CAMERAPROPS[] = "camera_pp";
static const char CVCAM_RNDWIDTH[] = "rendering_width";
static const char CVCAM_RNDHEIGHT[] = "rendering_height";
static const char CVCAM_STEREO_CALLBACK[] = "stereo_callback";
static const char CVCAM_PROP_SETFORMAT[] = "set_video_format";
static const char CVCAM_PROP_RAW[] = "raw_image";
static const char CVCAM_PROP_TIME_FORMAT[] = "time_format";
static const char CVCAM_PROP_DURATION[] = "duration";
static const char CVCAM_PROP_POSITION[] = "current_position";

extern const int FRAMES_FORMAT ;
extern const int TIME_FORMAT ;

typedef struct
    char DeviceDescription[100];
    char device[100];
    int  channel;
    char ChannelDescription[100];
    int  maxwidth;
    int  maxheight;
    int  minwidth;
    int  minheight;

#define CVCAMTRUE  (void*)1
#define CVCAMFALSE (void*)0

typedef int cvcamWindow;

#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */

#endif //__CVCAM_H__
