The Kalman filter, also known as linear quadratic estimation (LQE), is an algorithm that uses a series of measurements observed over time, containing noise (random variations) and other inaccuracies, and produces estimates of unknown variables that tend to be more precise than those based on a single measurement alone. More formally, the Kalman filter operates recursively on streams of noisy input data to produce a statistically optimal estimate of the underlying system state. The filter is named for Rudolf (Rudy) E. Kálmán, one of the primary developers of its theory.
The Kalman filter has numerous applications in technology. A common application is for guidance, navigation and controlof vehicles, particularly aircraft and spacecraft. Furthermore, the Kalman filter is a widely applied concept in time seriesanalysis used in fields such as signal processing and econometrics.
The algorithm works in a two-step process. In the prediction step, the Kalman filter produces estimates of the current state variables, along with their uncertainties. Once the outcome of the next measurement (necessarily corrupted with some amount of error, including random noise) is observed, these estimates are updated using a weighted average, with more weight being given to estimates with higher certainty. Because of the algorithm's recursive nature, it can run in real time using only the present input measurements and the previously calculated state; no additional past information is required.
From a theoretical standpoint, the main assumption of the Kalman filter is that the underlying system is a linear dynamical system and that all error terms and measurements have a Gaussian distribution (often a multivariate Gaussian distribution).
Extensions and generalizations to the method have also been developed, such as the extended Kalman filter and the unscented Kalman filter which work on nonlinear systems. The underlying model is a Bayesian model similar to a hidden Markov model but where the state space of the latent variables is continuous and where all latent and observed variables have Gaussian distributions.
Naming and historical development
The filter is named after Hungarian émigré Rudolf E. Kálmán, although Thorvald Nicolai Thiele[1][2] and Peter Swerling developed a similar algorithm earlier. Richard S. Bucy of the University of Southern California contributed to the theory, leading to it often being called the Kalman-Bucy filter. Stanley F. Schmidt is generally credited with developing the first implementation of a Kalman filter. It was during a visit by Kalman to the NASA Ames Research Center that he saw the applicability of his ideas to the problem of trajectory estimation for the Apollo program, leading to its incorporation in the Apollo navigation computer. This Kalman filter was first described and partially developed in technical papers by Swerling (1958), Kalman (1960) and Kalman and Bucy (1961).
Kalman filters have been vital in the implementation of the navigation systems of U.S. Navy nuclear ballistic missile submarines, and in the guidance and navigation systems of cruise missiles such as the U.S. Navy's Tomahawk missile and the U.S. Air Force's Air Launched Cruise Missile. It is also used in the guidance and navigation systems of the NASA Space Shuttle and theattitude control and navigation systems of the International Space Station.
This digital filter is sometimes called the Stratonovich–Kalman–Bucy filter because it is a special case of a more general, non-linear filter developed somewhat earlier by the Soviet mathematicianRuslan L. Stratonovich.[3][4][5][6] In fact, some of the special case linear filter's equations appeared in these papers by Stratonovich that were published before summer 1960, when Kalman met with Stratonovich during a conference in Moscow.
Overview of the calculation
The Kalman filter uses a system's dynamics model (e.g., physical laws of motion), known control inputs to that system, and multiple sequential measurements (such as from sensors) to form an estimate of the system's varying quantities (its state) that is better than the estimate obtained by using any one measurement alone. As such, it is a common sensor fusion and data fusionalgorithm.
All measurements and calculations based on models are estimates to some degree. Noisy sensor data, approximations in the equations that describe how a system changes, and external factors that are not accounted for introduce some uncertainty about the inferred values for a system's state. The Kalman filter averages a prediction of a system's state with a new measurement using a weighted average. The purpose of the weights is that values with better (i.e., smaller) estimated uncertainty are "trusted" more. The weights are calculated from the covariance, a measure of the estimated uncertainty of the prediction of the system's state. The result of the weighted average is a new state estimate that lies between the predicted and measured state, and has a better estimated uncertainty than either alone. This process is repeated every time step, with the new estimate and its covariance informing the prediction used in the following iteration. This means that the Kalman filter works recursively and requires only the last "best guess", rather than the entire history, of a system's state to calculate a new state.
Because the certainty of the measurements is often difficult to measure precisely, it is common to discuss the filter's behavior in terms of gain. The Kalman gain is a function of the relative certainty of the measurements and current state estimate, and can be "tuned" to achieve particular performance. With a high gain, the filter places more weight on the measurements, and thus follows them more closely. With a low gain, the filter follows the model predictions more closely, smoothing out noise but decreasing the responsiveness. At the extremes, a gain of one causes the filter to ignore the state estimate entirely, while a gain of zero causes the measurements to be ignored.
When performing the actual calculations for the filter (as discussed below), the state estimate and covariances are coded into matrices to handle the multiple dimensions involved in a single set of calculations. This allows for representation of linear relationships between different state variables (such as position, velocity, and acceleration) in any of the transition models or covariances.
Example application
As an example application, consider the problem of determining the precise location of a truck. The truck can be equipped with a GPS unit that provides an estimate of the position within a few meters. The GPS estimate is likely to be noisy; readings 'jump around' rapidly, though always remaining within a few meters of the real position. In addition, since the truck is expected to follow the laws of physics, its position can also be estimated by integrating its velocity over time, determined by keeping track of wheel revolutions and the angle of the steering wheel. This is a technique known as dead reckoning. Typically, dead reckoning will provide a very smooth estimate of the truck's position, but it will drift over time as small errors accumulate.
In this example, the Kalman filter can be thought of as operating in two distinct phases: predict and update. In the prediction phase, the truck's old position will be modified according to the physical laws of motion (the dynamic or "state transition" model) plus any changes produced by the accelerator pedal and steering wheel. Not only will a new position estimate be calculated, but a new covariance will be calculated as well. Perhaps the covariance is proportional to the speed of the truck because we are more uncertain about the accuracy of the dead reckoning estimate at high speeds but very certain about the position when moving slowly. Next, in the update phase, a measurement of the truck's position is taken from the GPS unit. Along with this measurement comes some amount of uncertainty, and its covariance relative to that of the prediction from the previous phase determines how much the new measurement will affect the updated prediction. Ideally, if the dead reckoning estimates tend to drift away from the real position, the GPS measurement should pull the position estimate back towards the real position but not disturb it to the point of becoming rapidly changing and noisy.
Technical description and context
The Kalman filter is an efficient recursive filter that estimates the internal state of a linear dynamic system from a series of noisy measurements. It is used in a wide range of engineering andeconometric applications from radar and computer vision to estimation of structural macroeconomic models,[7][8] and is an important topic in control theory and control systems engineering. Together with the linear-quadratic regulator (LQR), the Kalman filter solves the linear-quadratic-Gaussian control problem (LQG). The Kalman filter, the linear-quadratic regulator and the linear-quadratic-Gaussian controller are solutions to what arguably are the most fundamental problems in control theory.
In most applications, the internal state is much larger (more degrees of freedom) than the few "observable" parameters which are measured. However, by combining a series of measurements, the Kalman filter can estimate the entire internal state.
In Dempster-Shafer theory, each state equation or observation is considered a special case of a linear belief function and the Kalman filter is a special case of combining linear belief functions on a join-tree or Markov tree.
A wide variety of Kalman filters have now been developed, from Kalman's original formulation, now called the "simple" Kalman filter, the Kalman-Bucy filter, Schmidt's "extended" filter, theinformation filter, and a variety of "square-root" filters that were developed by Bierman, Thornton and many others. Perhaps the most commonly used type of very simple Kalman filter is the phase-locked loop, which is now ubiquitous in radios, especially frequency modulation (FM) radios, television sets, satellite communications receivers, outer space communications systems, and nearly any other electronic communications equipment.
Underlying dynamic system model
The Kalman filters are based on linear dynamic systems discretized in the time domain. They are modelled on a Markov chain built on linear operators perturbed by Gaussian noise. The state of the system is represented as a vector of real numbers. At each discrete time increment, a linear operator is applied to the state to generate the new state, with some noise mixed in, and optionally some information from the controls on the system if they are known. Then, another linear operator mixed with more noise generates the observed outputs from the true ("hidden") state. The Kalman filter may be regarded as analogous to the hidden Markov model, with the key difference that the hidden state variables take values in a continuous space (as opposed to a discrete state space as in the hidden Markov model). Additionally, the hidden Markov model can represent an arbitrary distribution for the next value of the state variables, in contrast to the Gaussian noise model that is used for the Kalman filter. There is a strong duality between the equations of the Kalman Filter and those of the hidden Markov model. A review of this and other models is given in Roweis and Ghahramani (1999)[9] and Hamilton (1994), Chapter 13.[10]
In order to use the Kalman filter to estimate the internal state of a process given only a sequence of noisy observations, one must model the process in accordance with the framework of the Kalman filter. This means specifying the following matrices: Fk, the state-transition model; Hk, the observation model; Qk, the covariance of the process noise; Rk, the covariance of the observation noise; and sometimes Bk, the control-input model, for each time-step, k, as described below.
The Kalman filter model assumes the true state at time k is evolved from the state at (k−1) according to
- Fk is the state transition model which is applied to the previous state xk−1;
- Bk is the control-input model which is applied to the control vector uk;
- wk is the process noise which is assumed to be drawn from a zero meanmultivariate normal distribution with covariance Qk.
At time k an observation (or measurement) zk of the true state xk is made according to
where Hk is the observation model which maps the true state space into the observed space and vk is the observation noise which is assumed to be zero mean Gaussian white noise with covariance Rk.
The initial state, and the noise vectors at each step {x0, w1, ..., wk, v1 ... vk} are all assumed to be mutually independent.
Many real dynamical systems do not exactly fit this model. In fact, unmodelled dynamics can seriously degrade the filter performance, even when it was supposed to work with unknown stochastic signals as inputs. The reason for this is that the effect of unmodelled dynamics depends on the input, and, therefore, can bring the estimation algorithm to instability (it diverges). On the other hand, independent white noise signals will not make the algorithm diverge. The problem of separating between measurement noise and unmodelled dynamics is a difficult one and is treated in control theory under the framework of robust control.
這種濾波方法以它的發明者魯道夫.E.卡爾曼(Rudolph E. Kalman)命名,但是根據文獻可知實際上Peter Swerling在更早之前就提出了一種類似的演算法。
斯坦利.施密特(Stanley Schmidt)首次實現了卡爾曼濾波器。卡爾曼在NASA埃姆斯研究中心訪問時,發現他的方法對於解決阿波羅計劃的軌道預測很有用,後來阿波羅飛船的導航電腦便使用了這種濾波器。 關於這種濾波器的論文由Swerling (1958)、Kalman (1960)與 Kalman and Bucy (1961)發表。
目前,卡爾曼濾波已經有很多不同的實現.卡爾曼最初提出的形式現在一般稱為簡單卡爾曼濾波器。除此以外,還有施密特擴展濾波器、信息濾波器以及很多Bierman, Thornton 開發的平方根濾波器的變種。也許最常見的卡爾曼濾波器是鎖相環,它在收音機、計算機和幾乎任何視頻或通訊設備中廣泛存在。
卡爾曼濾波建立在線性代數和隱馬爾可夫模型(hidden Markov model)上。其基本動態系統可以用一個馬爾可夫鏈表示,該馬爾可夫鏈建立在一個被高斯噪聲(即常態分佈的噪聲)干擾的線性算子上的。系統的狀態可以用一個元素為實數的向量表示。 隨著離散時間的每一個增加,這個線性算子就會作用在當前狀態上,產生一個新的狀態,並也會帶入一些噪聲,同時系統的一些已知的控制器的控制信息也會被加入。同時,另一個受噪聲干擾的線性算子產生出這些隱含狀態的可見輸出。
為了從一系列有噪聲的觀察數據中用卡爾曼濾波器估計出被觀察過程的內部狀態,我們必須把這個過程在卡爾曼濾波的框架下建立模型。也就是說對於每一步k,定義矩陣Fk, Hk, Qk, Rk,有時也需要定義Bk,如下。
卡爾曼濾波模型假設k時刻的真實狀態是從(k − 1)時刻的狀態演化而來,符合下式:
時刻k,對真實狀態 xk的一個測量zk滿足下式:
其中Hk是觀測模型,它把真實狀態空間映射成觀測空間,vk 是觀測噪聲,其均值為零,協方差矩陣為Rk,且服從常態分佈。
初始狀態以及每一時刻的噪聲{x0, w1, ..., wk, v1 ... vk} 都認為是互相獨立的.
- ,在時刻k 的狀態的估計;
- ,誤差相關矩陣,度量估計值的精確程度。
- (預測狀態)
- (預測估計協方差矩陣)
- (測量餘量,measurement residual)
- (測量餘量協方差)
- (最優卡爾曼增益)
然後用它們來更新濾波器變數x 與P :
- (更新的狀態估計)
- (更新的協方差估計)
如果模型準確,而且與 的值準確的反映了最初狀態的分布,那麼以下不變數就保持不變:所有估計的誤差均值為零
且 協方差矩陣 準確的反映了估計的協方差:
請注意,其中表示的期望值, 。
考慮在無摩擦的、無限長的直軌道上的一輛車。該車最初停在位置 0 處,但時不時受到隨機的衝擊。我們每隔Δt秒即測量車的位置,但是這個測量是非精確的;我們想建立一個關於其位置以及速度的模型。我們來看如何推導出這個模型以及如何從這個模型得到卡爾曼濾波器。
因為車上無動力,所以我們可以忽略掉Bk 和uk。由於F、H、R 和Q 是常數,所以時間下標可以去掉。
- (因為 σa 是一個純量).
因為測量誤差vk 與其他項是非相關的,因此有
使用不變數Pk|k-1以及Rk的定義 這一項可以寫作 : 這一公式對於任何卡爾曼增益Kk都成立。如果Kk是最優卡爾曼增益,則可以進一步簡化,請見下文。
卡爾曼濾波器是一個最小均方誤差估計器,後驗狀態誤差估計(英文:a posteriori state estimate)是
我們最小化這個矢量幅度平方的期望值,,這等同於最小化後驗估計協方差矩陣 Pk|k的跡(trace)。將上面方程中的項展開、抵消,得到:
此處須用到一個常用的式子, 如下:
在卡爾曼增益等於上面導出的最優值時,計算後驗協方差的公式可以進行簡化。在卡爾曼增益公式兩側的右邊都乘以 SkKkT 得到
- .
與此類似,在時刻 k 測量只與當前狀態有關而與其它狀態無關。
基本卡爾曼濾波器(The basic Kalman filter)是限制在線性的假設之下。然而,大部份非平凡的(non-trial)的系統都是非線性系統。其中的「非線性性質」(non-linearity )可能是伴隨存在過程模型(process model)中或觀測模型(observation model)中,或者兩者兼有之。
在擴展卡爾曼濾波器(Extended Kalman Filter,簡稱EKF)中狀態轉換和觀測模型不需要是狀態的線性函數,可替換為(可微的)函數。
函數 f 可以用來從過去的估計值中計算預測的狀態,相似的,函數 h可以用來以預測的狀態計算預測的測量值。然而 f 和 h 不能直接的應用在協方差中,取而代之的是計算偏導矩陣(Jacobian)。
如同擴展卡爾曼濾波器(EKF)一樣, UKF的預測過程可以獨立於UKF的更新過程之外,與一個線性的(或者確實是擴展卡爾曼濾波器的)更新過程合併來使用;或者,UKF的預測過程與更新過程在上述中地位互換亦可。
- An Introduction to the Kalman Filter, SIGGRAPH 2001 Course, Greg Welch and Gary Bishop
- Kalman filtering chapter from Stochastic Models, Estimation, by Peter Maybeck
- Kalman Filter webpage, with lots of links
- Kalman Filtering
- The unscented Kalman filter for nonlinear estimation
- Kalman Filters, thorough introduction to several types, together with applications to Robot Localization
- Gelb A., editor. Applied optimal estimation. MIT Press, 1974.
- Kalman, R. E. A New Approach to Linear Filtering and Prediction Problems, Transactions of the ASME - Journal of Basic Engineering Vol. 82: pp. 35-45 (1960)
- Kalman, R. E., Bucy R. S., New Results in Linear Filtering and Prediction Theory, Transactions of the ASME - Journal of Basic Engineering Vol. 83: pp. 95-107 (1961)
- [JU97] Julier, Simon J. and Jeffery K. Uhlmann. A New Extension of the Kalman Filter to nonlinear Systems. In The Proceedings of AeroSense: The 11th International Symposium on Aerospace/Defense Sensing,Simulation and Controls, Multi Sensor Fusion, Tracking and Resource Management II, SPIE, 1997.
- Harvey, A.C. Forecasting, Structural Time Series Models and the Kalman Filter. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1989.
Kalman Filter 介紹
1. 什麼是卡爾曼濾波器(What is the Kalman Filter?)
卡爾曼全名Rudolf Emil Kalman,匈牙利數學家,1930年出生於匈牙利首都布達佩斯。1953,1954年于麻省理工學院分別獲得電機工程學士及碩士學位。1957年于哥倫比亞大學獲得博士學位。我們現在要學習的卡爾曼濾波器,正是源于他的博士論文和1960年發表的論文《A New Approach to Linear Filtering and Prediction Problems》(線性濾波與預測問題的新方法)。如果對這編論文有興趣,可以到這裏的位址下載: 。 簡單來說,卡爾曼濾波器是一個“optimal recursive data processing algorithm(最優化自回歸資料處理演算法)”。對於解決很大部分的問題,他是最優,效率最高甚至是最有用的。他的廣泛應用已經超過30年,包括機器人導航,控制,感測器資料融合甚至在軍事方面的雷達系統以及導彈追蹤等等。近年來更被應用於電腦圖像處理,例如頭臉識別,圖像分割,圖像邊緣檢測等等。
2.卡爾曼濾波器的介紹(Introduction to the Kalman Filter)
假設我們要研究的物件是一個房間的溫度。根據你的經驗判斷,這個房間的溫度是恒定的,也就是下一分鐘的溫度等於現在這一分鐘的溫度(假設我們用一分鐘來做時間單位)。假設你對你的經驗不是100%的相信,可能會有上下偏差幾度。我們把這些偏差看成是高斯白雜訊(White Gaussian Noise),也就是這些偏差跟前後時間是沒有關係的而且符合高斯分配(Gaussian Distribution)。另外,我們在房間裏放一個溫度計,但是這個溫度計也不準確的,測量值會比實際值偏差。我們也把這些偏差看成是高斯白雜訊。
就是這樣,卡爾曼濾波器就不斷的把covariance遞迴,從而估算出最優的溫度值。他運行的很快,而且它只保留了上一時刻的covariance。上面的Kg,就是卡爾曼增益(Kalman Gain)。他可以隨不同的時刻而改變他自己的值,是不是很神奇!
3. 卡爾曼濾波器演算法(The Kalman Filter Algorithm)
在這一部分,我們就來描述源於Dr Kalman 的卡爾曼濾波器。下面的描述,會涉及一些基本的概念知識,包括概率(Probability),隨即變數(Random Variable),高斯或正態分配(Gaussian Distribution)還有State-space Model等等。但對於卡爾曼濾波器的詳細證明,這裏不能一一描述。
首先,我們先要引入一個離散控制過程的系統。該系統可用一個線性隨機微分方程(Linear Stochastic Difference equation)來描述:
X(k)=A X(k-1)+B U(k)+W(k)
Z(k)=H X(k)+V(k)
上兩式子中,X(k)是k時刻的系統狀態,U(k)是k時刻對系統的控制量。A和B是系統參數,對於多模型系統,他們為矩陣。Z(k)是k時刻的測量值,H是測量系統的參數,對於多測量系統,H為矩陣。W(k)和V(k)分別表示過程和測量的雜訊。他們被假設成高斯白雜訊(White Gaussian Noise),他們的covariance 分別是Q,R(這裏我們假設他們不隨系統狀態變化而變化)。
對於滿足上面的條件(線性隨機微分系統,過程和測量都是高斯白雜訊),卡爾曼濾波器是最優的資訊處理器。下面我們來用他們結合他們的covariances 來估算系統的最優化輸出(類似上一節那個溫度的例子)。
X(k|k-1)=A X(k-1|k-1)+B U(k) ……….. (1)
P(k|k-1)=A P(k-1|k-1) A’+Q ……… (2)
X(k|k)= X(k|k-1)+Kg(k) (Z(k)-H X(k|k-1)) ……… (3)
其中Kg為卡爾曼增益(Kalman Gain):
Kg(k)= P(k|k-1) H’ / (H P(k|k-1) H’ + R) ……… (4)
P(k|k)=(I-Kg(k) H)P(k|k-1) ……… (5)
其中I 為1的矩陣,對於單模型單測量,I=1。當系統進入k+1狀態時,P(k|k)就是式子(2)的P(k-1|k-1)。這樣,演算法就可以自回歸的運算下去。
卡爾曼濾波器的原理基本描述了,式子1,2,3,4和5就是他的5 個基本公式。根據這5個公式,可以很容易的實現電腦的程式。
4. 簡單例子(A Simple Example)
X(k|k-1)=X(k-1|k-1) ……….. (6)
P(k|k-1)=P(k-1|k-1) +Q ……… (7)
X(k|k)= X(k|k-1)+Kg(k) (Z(k)-X(k|k-1)) ……… (8)
Kg(k)= P(k|k-1) / (P(k|k-1) + R) ……… (9)
P(k|k)=(1-Kg(k))P(k|k-1) ……… (10)
以上內容來自無名部落格MaMaSon's blog Kalman Filter 介紹